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Five Little Pumpkins Round

Page history last edited by Katie 13 years, 1 month ago

Five little pumpkins round
Sat on the cold, cold ground
Out there in my big pumpkin patch
A grandma came walking by
Bought one to make a pie
Now there are four little pumpkins round.

Four little pumpkins round
Sat on the cold, cold ground
Out there in my big pumpkin patch
A grandpa came walking by
Bought one to make a pie
Now there are three little pumpkins round.

Three little pumpkins round
Sat on the cold, cold ground
Out there in my big pumpkin patch
A daddy came walking by
Bought one to make a pie
Now there are two little pumpkins round.

Two little pumpkins round
Sat on the cold, cold ground
Out there in my big pumpkin patch
A mommy came walking by
Bought one to make a pie
Now there is one little pumpkin round

One little pumpkin round
Sat on the cold, cold ground
Out there in my big pumpkin patch
A little boy came walking by
Bought it to make a pie
Now there are no more pumpkins round.

Written by Miss Katie, August 22, 2011.

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